Life is often filled with BIG problems. Fear, loneliness, addiction, anxiety, being overwhelmed, boredom, and doubt often threaten to steal our happiness and keep us from the abundant life that God has for us. However, none of this has to be this way. When we surrender everything to God, only then can we experience the power of His presence and unfathomable peace in all our circumstances. Join us for this message series- Big Problems, Bigger God- as we encounter the God, who is bigger and greater than any opposition we will ever face in life.

This 7-Week Series will focus on the following bible passages:

Genesis 2:15-25 (loneliness); Exodus 14:10-18 (fear); 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (addiction); John 14:22-31 (anxiety); 2 Corinthians 4:2-18 (feeling overwhelmed); John 20:24-38 (doubt); Romans 11:33-36; (boredom)


This message series was stimulated by Steve Smothermon’s book but does not duplicate the teaching material. Appropriate sources will be made as necessary.

(Smothermon, Steve.  Big Problems, Bigger God: Whatever You need for whatever You face. Eugene, Oregon.,  Harvest House Publishers, 2015.